Thursday, 22 December 2011
PC Advisor Awards 2012

Wednesday, 30 November 2011
NEWS RELEASE: The world’s first chain of personally curated, social shopping enabled online stores

The MoreFrom Group runs several websites including the award-winning MoreComputers.com On analysing customer behaviour, MoreFrom identified a particularly influential group who were recommending to their social network which products to buy and where to buy them.

MoreFrom set out to find a way to reward and encourage these important Facebook, Twitter and blog influencers. They created MoreFrom.me, which embodies this kind of social selling.

It's an online presence individuals can personalise and curate, where they are compensated in a transparent and authentic way."
MoreFrom.me makes it easy for anyone to create a personalised online technology store. These influencers can curate from over 100,000 big brand and niche products, recommending them through their site and then through social networks. They can earn up to 13% commission for every sale they make.
Brian adds: "In targeting these groups we can increase our business revenues through viral networking by empowering a 'virtual' sales force. It makes for very effective marketing as these people have both access and credibility."
The MoreFrom.me model takes e-commerce and social selling to the next level. Brian identifies four key markets the service appeals to. "First are the technology enthusiasts, proud ‘geeks’ who people turn to for advice. A second group is made up of IT industry professionals who want a zero cost way to sell online. Third are non-profit organisations looking to raise funds, and lastly technology bloggers who can earn affiliate commission for sales of products they review."
Technology bloggers have embraced this idea in particular, Matthew Gibbons, creator of ‘All Things Android’ comments:"Our aim at All Things Android UK is to provide useful information that our readers can trust. If we recommend an Android device or an associated product, it’s because we’ve done our research and genuinely believe it’s a quality product".
"We created our online store All Things Tech UK as a natural progression from recommending products to being able to sell them. In one easy step readers can make a purchase based on what they’ve read. The very fact that they’re reading the blog in the first place means they trust what we’re saying and will invest in a product as a result."
Notes to Editors
For enquiries and further information:
Please use this contact form
View and Download MoreFrom.Me images
About MoreComputers.com
Morecomputers.com is part of the MoreFrom group of websites. The MoreFrom Group evolved from the award winning website MoreComputers. The MoreFrom Group was launched in 2010. www.MoreFromGroup.co.uk
Chris Wheater and Simon Lewington founded MoreComputers.com in 1995 in order to provide technology products in a simple, painless way through a trustworthy and reliable service.
About MoreFrom.me
The world’s first ‘social shopping enabled’ online stores reward customers when they create personalised versions of the MoreComputers.com website and then recommend its IT products to purchase.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Handy rechargeable USB batteries means it’s time to chuck out the chargers!

MoreFrom.me’s full of flash pieces of kit ranging from top of the range laptops to the latest LED TVs.
But sometimes, it’s worth noticing that good things really do come in small packages, especially a nifty product I’ve found very useful.

The Moixa USB Cell AA Rechargeable Batteries have proven to be a bit of a godsend in our gaff since we got our hands on these little beauties.
I’m a user of wireless mice and keyboards, and whilst in many ways they are spot on, they use up a hell of a lot of batteries. Batteries of course cost money, and rechargables are to be quite frankly honest a bit of a pain in the derriere.
Up until recently I’ve been using clunky chargers that take ages to boost batteries back to anywhere near an acceptable level of juice. Sometimes you even need to leave them on overnight, and carrying them around is just extra baggage.
However, these USB batteries just make life a little easier.

The premise is simple. Just plug these batteries into any USB port, and they will charge up in about 5 hours. Pop the top back on, put them in your device and they power it up. Sorted.
They’re great when on the move as there is no need for any cables, and I can finally cast off those blasted chargers.
Using them is going to save me money as I don’t have to keep shelling out on alkaline batteries, and also it will save energy that won’t be used up using chargers. That’s also good for the environment too.
Also, there’s no need to worry about losing the tops off them as they have a little cord that is attached to the barrel of the battery.
These are mightily handy things that I’m sure will come in useful in many situations. A must buy!
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Discover the potential of MoreFrom.Me

I'd like you to see my MoreFrom.Me 'in action'. This will show you what it is and more importantly what you can do with it.
I've spoken to a lot of people in these first few weeks since we launched MoreFrom.Me and not surprisingly not everyone understands how it works. Some people haven't discovered it's full potential, I believe this is because there's nothing like it out there.
- It's not an affiliate scheme
- It's not a reward scheme
- It's not a shop in a box
- It's not a white label
- It's not a review site
I've been adding reviews and recommendations (for things I've personally bought) to my MoreFrom.Me and if you take a look, you'll see how it changes the whole site.
Lot's of people have set up a MoreFrom.Me and are earning good commision. Over the next few weeks I'll be introducing some of them to you, so you can see how they make the most of this new idea.
Friday, 14 October 2011
How MoreFrom.org can help Schools, Charities and Clubs

Their new .org service for schools, colleges, charities and clubs can help them purchase new technology equipment through the commission they make on their very own MoreFrom.org stores.

By creating their own Morefrom.me stores, schools are put in charge of raising much needed funds for brand new IT equipment, efforts that promise to go much further than more traditional 'supermarket vouchers for schools' schemes.
With MoreFrom.org, schools and colleges can upload their own branding, logos, and descriptions on their own about us page. They will receive credit for everything they sell, something that will encourage parents to buy from their store rather than elsewhere, knowing their purchase will help their child’s education.
For charities, getting involved with MoreFrom.org is a great way of raising funds to buy brand new goods. But there are other benefits for a charity to have its own store.
With MoreFrom.Me continuing to grow, a personalised store is also a great platform to reach out and promote your charity, raising awareness of the good work you put in to aid your cause.
MoreFrom.org is beneficial for clubs too, especially if they are regular users of technology products.

This not only means customers will return to you in future, but with the credit you’ve earned from the sales you’ve made, it’s easier for you to purchase the latest models, try them out first, and then tell your loyal shoppers whether you would recommend the products.
All in all, I think this is another example of how MoreFrom.me is moving quickly to provide something that can work on different levels. They tell me there’s even more plans in the pipeline.
For what they are, we’ll have to wait and see.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
MoreFrom.Me is 8 weeks old & we've added 8 new features since launch
- Your own text in the 'About Us' page
- Links back to any existing site you might have
- Pick your own recommended products for your homepage
- Your reviews now take pride of place
- Banners to add to any other sites you might have
- Custom signatures for your email
- Emails for you to send - 'Best Sellers' and 'My Recommended'
- An instant email newsletter of your tweets
Thursday, 1 September 2011
The Price You See = The Price You Pay

The trend in tech retail to hide credit card surcharges, delivery costs and even VAT seems to be continuing. If anything it's getting worse. So much so, we need to stress even more that all our prices include everything - The price you see is the price you pay!
Friday, 26 August 2011
New Categories & Products!

We've also updated the TV & Audio section to better reflect the range of Home Cinema systems, Bluray and DVD Players we have on offer.
In Components we've recently added Coolermaster and Xigmatek brands. The fastest growing area in components seems to be Solid state Drives which now has around 100 drives in stock.
And finally don't forget there are over 1600 software titles available for download from the top games publishers right thru to Microsoft. So no waiting in for a box to be delivered !
Thursday, 25 August 2011
MoreFrom.me is Go!

So, how does it all work and what’s its appeal?
Getting started:
MoreFrom.me says it is easy and takes “two minutes” to get started. Now “two minutes” can sometimes be seen as a figure of speech and not an actual literal timescale. Like when you’re picking up that friend who's never quite ready and they say, “I’ll only be two minutes”, when you know it’s really going to be a lot longer as they frantically apply make-up/hunt for their keys/try to get out of bed.....
However, I found up setting up on MoreFrom.me and customising my layout surprisingly simple, and it does actually take only two minutes. Less in fact, if you don’t spend 30 seconds deliberating which picture of yourself looks best to use.
This is great for those of us with short attention spans, as we can quickly get started with MoreFrom.me without having to go through tiresome box ticking and the nagging thought, “is this all going to be worth it?”.
What’s in store?:
MoreFrom.me allows you to put your brand or your name on the award-winning MoreComputers site. You gain credit from every sale you make which you can then use to get money off when buying from their huge array of technology goods.
So, you’ve got your store, now what? First thing is, they’re not lying when they say there are tens of thousands of products. Thankfully, I found navigating my way through this myriad of technology goods simple as I could browse by category, price and manufacturer.
Then it’s up to you to recommend products and have a look around at what other people have picked out as key buys. The fact that you can see from users themselves what they think of products is crucial, as internet shopping has always seen consumers take note of testimonies.
Also, once you’re all set up, you can check out the hints and tips site for some excellent advice on how to get the best out of Morefrom.me on http://morefrom-me.blogspot.com.
Who’s really going to be into this?:
Because MoreFrom.me has so many product ranges there is a lot to attract anyone who uses technology goods, but there are some specific user markets for whom the service could be particularly useful.
An example of this is photographers. Now I know photographers, and if you get four of them in a room together they will talk ad nauseum about new products, accessories, ISOs, SLRs and other more technical subjects.
MoreFrom.me has hundreds of cameras and gadgets for photographers, but offering a platform for your own recommendations on products gives people the chance to become trusted sellers.
Schools and charities can also benefit from this as they gain a commission for every product sold which they can use themselves to buy IT equipment from MoreFrom.me.
My verdict:
Whilst Social Shopping is not necessarily a new thing, there’s nothing out there like the concept MoreFrom.me have. Gaining credit on products you sell is innovative and very appealing. The service has the potential to move into other marketplaces too, and I’m pretty sure there’s more to come from Morefrom.me in the future.
Overall, I have to say I’m mightily impressed! If you'd like to buy from TheLadyTron, click here!
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
MoreFrom Launches Social Shopping Concept
Sheffield, UK. August 2nd 2011
MoreFrom group, owner of MoreComputers.com, announced today the launch of MoreFrom.Me, the first implementation of their 'From.Me' social shopping concept.
It's well documented that online shoppers love recommendations and independent reviews from fellow shoppers. Even better is a recommendation from a person the shopper knows. The people giving out the advice and the writing reviews are often forgotten, 'From.Me' gives these people the profile they deserve and rewards these unsung heroes of online shopping.
The From.Me concept is simple: personalise, promote and earn
- An online retailer lets anyone set up set up a personalised 'from me' version of their website, in just a few easy clicks.
- The 'From.Me-er' (as they become) can then use their new site when recommending and reviewing. Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. is built in.
- When people buy the recommended product, the From.Me-er is rewarded with credit to spend at the retailers store.
"We were looking for a way to reward our customers, especially those helping other shoppers and helping us promote our site. The From.Me concept became the answer. It's easy for our customers to do, costs them nothing and they earn credit for doing something they were already doing" said Chris Wheater MD of MoreFrom group. "We soon realised the From.Me concept would be attractive to a wide range of retailers".
Gadget enthusiasts, gamers, IT companies and charities are amongst those who received early invites and are already using their MoreFrom.Me. 1000s more have reserved their usernames and have just been given access.
"This is just the beginning of the From.Me idea, we have many more customisable features already being developed. It's created 'Me Commerce'. A network full of genuine customer opinions, other customers can trust, that are delivered in a highly personal way". Added Brian Trevaskiss Head of Marketing. "MoreFrom.Me takes the whole concept of Social Shopping and makes it a reality".
MoreFrom.Me is free and you can earn up to thirteen and a half percent in commission. The award winning MoreComputers.com customer service team processes all sales, deliveries and returns.
Please link to http://www.morefrom.me
- MoreFrom group is a group of websites best known for MoreFrom.com and MoreComputers.com.
- MoreComputers.com sells over 100,000 products including computers, televisions, cameras, accessories, telephones, satNav, MP3 players and downloadable software
- MoreComputers.com is rated as one of the best online retailers in the UK and is award winning:
- Won PC Advisor Best Specialist online IT retailer 2011
- Received six out of six stars for customer service in the PC Pro Awards 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010
- Won Best Online Retailer in the PC Pro Awards 2009
- Won Retailer of the Year in the PriceRunner awards 2006
- MoreComputers.com has a 94% customer service satisfaction rating, compared to the industry average of 85% (PC Pro magazine 2009 Service and Reliability Survey)
- MoreComputers.com was founded by Chris Wheater and is headquartered in Sheffield
Further background is at http://www.morefromgroup.co.uk
The press contact is Brian Trevaskiss on 0114 292 29 30
Thursday, 21 July 2011
3 Weird and Wacky Innovations

Just because the design is so cunning, don't think for one second that the spec is any less impressive...

Now you can spend an enthralling day-in-the-life of a water droplet, facing all it's challenges, with every-day objects becoming your worst enemy:
- Avoiding being absorbed by tablecloths, flour and scattered cake crumbs
- Balancing on sizzling vegetables, avoiding vaporisation from the heat of a deadly frying pan
- Escaping from deadly thirsty cockroaches during a Mexican party

You can now explore the depths of your PC. This is a great product, especially for animators and such like. They can fully enjoy the 3D graphics they've created and explore cityscapes as if you are actually living in your computer.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
In Depth: The Hauppauge HD-PVR

What it cannot do:
In Depth
As you’d expect from any product of this type, it records your favourite programmes and films from your TV. However, unlike most, the Hauppauge HD-PVR doesn’t have a built in tuner this means it needs to be wired up to a freeview, satellite or cable TV set top box.
To makes matters worse there’s no internal hard drive, meaning you need a PC to save your recordings.
This means that the HD-PVR is a kind of ‘middleman’, you need 3 different devices (the HD-PVR itself, a set top box and a PC) to do what a traditional PVR does.
However, there are redeeming features for this product that make it worthwhile:
The HD-PVR can make real-time H.264 compressed recordings with a resolution of up to 1080i, 720p or VGA/D1 along with high definition 5.1 surround sound where possible, usually only achievable with high-end PVRs.
It also records in Blu-Ray AVCHD format so the included software, you can burn all your recordings onto a standard DVD or Blu-Ray disc, both of which can be played back on any Blu-Ray player for the full experience.
What’s more, you can record and watch your favourite HD shows simultaneously thanks to the Audio/Video component loop through, although, because there is no built-in tuner, you cannot record one channel and watch another.
It also has an IR Blaster to change the TV channel automatically so you can record what you want, when you want. This means you don’t have to be there to change the channel for the programme that you want to record.
A key feature is the ability to transfer your previously recorded TV programmes from your Sky+ box onto your PC. Unfortunately, this is a very tedious operation, to do so you must replay them back as they are re-recorded by the HD-PVR.
You can also transfer all your old home movies from traditional cassettes to your PC to burn onto a disc and give them a new lease of life using the S-Video input.
The included software selection: Arcsoft's TotalMediaExtreme, TotalMediaTheatre and MediaConverter, is a major bonus to this product, introducing numerous features...
You can convert your recordings to a games console compatible format, copy them to your console and play them back on your TV whenever you want.
You can convert your recordings into the correct file format for most portable media devices, to watch your clips on the move.
There is also the opportunity to convert your recordings into YouTube and Facebook compatible files, so you can share your favourite TV moments with all your friends.
Also, you can playback and edit all your recordings on your PC
In addition, you can hook up the recorder to your Xbox 360 or PS3 (and other consoles) to record seamless gameplay footage as you play. You can then uploaded your game highlights to YouTube and other online video sites, to show off your skill to your friends and family. This video pass through system, also means that the footage is uploaded to your computer whilst the recording is happening. This provides instant viewing, flawless recording and uninterrupted gameplay.
What’s in the box?
The product comes with everything you need to get started:
- The HD-PVR box - a mere 19.8cm wide x 17.3 cm deep x 7 cm high – this controls everything; it’s the nerve-centre of the all the recordings you’ll ever make.
- The HD-PVR PC software – System Requirements: Windows 7 (32/64 bit), Vista (32/64 bit), or Windows XP Service Pack 3. This is the software that you need to be able to playback and save your recordings onto your PC. N.B. this product is not compatible with Macs so, sorry to all the Steve Jobs’ out there but I’m afraid to say that this product is not for you.
- A power supply (for obvious reasons).
- A USB cable – connects the box to your PC.
- An IR Blaster cable – for the automatic changing of channels when recording.
- A Component video and audio cable set – all the standard cables required to set the HD-PVR up and connect with your cable or satellite top box or your games console.
- A Quickinstall guide – tells you everything you need to get going.
- Remote control – to control the functions of your set top box, not the product itself, in functions like changing channels.
The HD-PVR was the first of its kind when it was released: a PVR (Personal Video Recorder) that can transfer all your recordings to your PC and can also record your gameplay from a games console. Now many other companies have stepped up to the mark with their own versions of a Personal Video Recorder to rival Hauppauge.
This product is great for everyone wanting to record their favourite TV shows and gameplay, and it's much better than any built in feature in a DVD or Blu-Ray player.
It may be a few years old, and with technology improving so quickly, you’d expect it to have been left behind. However, its' uses are as relevant today as they were when it was invented and it's still up there with the competition, keeping a sturdy foothold in the market. It does exactly what it says on the tin, providing an excellent video recording experience.
Monday, 18 July 2011
Customers come first for MoreFrom.Me

Wednesday, 29 June 2011
OFT agrees 'rip off' surcharges are unfair

We've said hidden charges are annoying to online shoppers for a long time now, so it's great to see some action at last!

He added 'consumers find it harder to shop around and find the best deal if they have to invest time and effort in discovering surcharges. This also weakens competition between retailers which is bad news for the UK economy.'
Which? use the budget airlines as examples, but online IT retail has plenty offenders too. The price you see is the price you pay on our sites. We look forward to transparent prices from others soon.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Once Again, More Brands Added This Month

There is one particular accessory that excited me, the 'Griffin Slap' for the iPod Nano 6th Gen. It's a really clever product that enables you to strap a Nano to your wrist and avoids the hassle of removing it from your pocket to skip a track or change the volume. They come in a number of vibrant colours, and can turn your Nano into a watch when the display is set to the lock screen. Will this product be enough to put H.Samuel out of business? I don't know, although I do know I want one!
We've also added more software brands. Roxio produce some really useful format conversion kits, which enable you to convert various files and DVD's to iTunes and other portable device files - many of these are available for download also.
Like always thank you for reading, and if you have any questions or wish to highlight any brands you feel we should stock, please leave a comment below and I'll see what I can do about it. More brands coming soon.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
A Round Up Of This Weeks Tech News

GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage

Folding Electric Scooter

Asus Padfone
Over the past few weeks I have been both excited and saddened by the Bento Book by Rene Woo-Ram Lee. Excited because it is such a genius concept, but saddened by the fact that at present it remains just that, a concept.

My only issue with both of these concepts, if I'm honest, is what happens when the phone rings? Think about it. Do you use the Tablet as a phone, or take it out and lose where you are at. This aside, I still wouldn't mind giving one of these a try, preferably the Bento Book, but until then the Padfone will have to do.
Pointless Technology

Monday, 23 May 2011
Review: Asus Eee PC Seashell Netbook by Karim Rashid

At first glance, it is hard to know what to think of these two tiny netbooks. Both wrapped in a 'wave-imitating' plastic, I can 'sea' how they came up with the name (see what I did there?). Though nice to the touch, I do wonder if wrapping a laptop in 'touch and feel' plastic is a tad juvenile, arguably this could be Asus' target market of course. I have to say, the matt-brown netbook reminds me ever so slightly of a chocolate bar, enough to make my tummy rumble. The pink one could easily be mistaken for an Essex handbag, if I'm honest.
Opening up the Asus Seashell, I was pleased to see one or two shiny pearls hiding inside. For example, blatantly taking some inspiration from Apple, it has a multi-touch trackpad which allows you to scroll and zoom in and out easily. Considering they are only small gadgets and not the easiest to type on, I was glad to find that the keys are raised and well spaced, again taking inspiration from Apple MacBooks. This makes typing on such a small gadget bearable.
However, as I switched on the netbooks, the Seashell sank a little in my opinion. The 10.1 inch screen is a tad clunky and the resolution is ok for a standard netbook, but nothing spectacular. It's not all bad news though, a play around makes it clear that, whilst these are no office computers, they are well designed and targeted at younger audiences.
The 'Eee Dock' at the top of the desktop, with 'Eee Amuse', 'Eee Sharing' and 'Eee Xperience' are clearly aimed at the under 20's, with games and entertainment taking president over setting out documents and day-to-day usability. Again the colours and textures (and we all know how I feel about pink gadgets), are more suited to style conscious teen girls, than anyone else.
If you were to ask me whether or not I would buy one of these for myself, I would say hell no. However, if you were to ask me whether or not I would buy or recommend one of these for a younger relative, or a girly, pink obsessed friend - then the answer is yes.
As for Karim Rashid, I'm a little bemused as to why a man who designs chairs as beautiful as this for Magis, created a wavy, sea inspired netbook range for Asus?
Monday, 16 May 2011
We've hit 100,000 and not out! - What else could we have added?

Wednesday, 11 May 2011
We're supporting the Which? surcharges super complaint

We’ve been championing this cause for many years with our “Philfing” campaign. “Purposefully Hiding what you are Looking For”, where retailers hide extra charges such as delivery and credit card charges in order to display what seems to be a cheap price.
The MoreFrom group sites have no credit card or other surcharges, but many of our competitors continue to hide extra charges until late in their checkout process in the hope that customers will complete their purchase regardless or assume that all retailers do the same. The price comparison sites are also poor at pointing out these differences and unscrupulous retailers simply play the game of advertising low prices to get consumers to their sites where they are then hit with extra charges.
WE DON’T DO THIS ! The price you see on our product page it the price you actually pay and our standard delivery is FREE, regardless of how much you spend.
So next time you are comparing prices, remember...
MoreComputers prices have no hidden charges
Take a look at the Which? Super Complaint web page for more details.
In the coming months we'll also be revisiting our online shopping annoyances survey to see if anything has really changed. More details on this soon.