I'm not sure if this has ever been stated in an outright manner, so I felt it best to say so now and at the beginning of 2011. We'll start as we mean to go on. TheLadyTron loves all things tech. I love the idea of tech, the plans for tech, gadgetry and gizmos. I can occasionally be found pondering how the internet takes images, words and graphics and can send them to squillions of screens for all to see at the touch of a button or from the heat of your finger on some clever bit of kit.
It's very overwhelming. Go on, try and plot the process in your head, I dare you! I guarantee you'll get the same look on your face that I did and it's not one you'll want to be seen sporting in general public (or the Apple store in my case).
What (wo)man can now do is amazing. We are all explorers of space, the fantasy has become reality. It might not be in suits amongst the stars but it is definitely in another dimension.
Enough of my theological musings and on to the main points. Last year was a very exciting year in technology and 2011 promises more of the same. I thought I would outline some highlights, whilst I wait for a Galaxy Samsung to be dropped off for my entertainment:
Apple's MacBookAir - Launched last year, initially I got rather excited about this pretty bit of kit. On closer inspection the spec is not as impressive as the Macbook Pro so I ordered another one of those but with a solid state drive.
Kinect - I fear this was rushed to launch for the usual Christmas gaming wars. The concept is well-received and the console itself does what it should but gamers the world over can be heard shouting "Give Us Games!!". When will these companies learn; take a product to market when it and all the necessary components are ready and not before.
Google is to hire more than 6000 people in 2011 - Apparently this is to counteract the increasing threat of facebook who can now boast that 10% of their 2,000 strong workforce used to work for the top dog search engine. Google, rather sensitively or fortuitously (you choose dear reader), announced this on the day Yahoo Inc. let plans be known for staff cuts of 150 - 200, due to falling revenue figures.
Internet TV - This years big thing is all about Internet TV. Apple, Google and Samsung are already dominating the headlines with their efforts, debuts and relaunches planned for the coming 12 months. The Beeb has come under heavy and probably undeserved fire, for rumours on what is happening with their Youview TV. Apparently there are technical glitches but as the BBC is renowned for quality and their website is still light years ahead of most, I'll reserve my judgement.

App Inventor - A free app for inventing android applications. All you need is this free browser-based software, a mac or a pc and a google account. No programming skills necessary. Go on have a play...you know you want to...
Tron Legacy - This is obviously a nod to my heritage, the main reason for mentioning last years uber cool cyber release. What it lacks in plot it makes up for in stunning visuals and action sequences. Nuff said.
Sony Ericsson PSP Phone - Planned to be released around May 2011, I'm not sure I would want one as a permanent extension to my arm, like my current phone is but I deffo want to have a play.
Cyber Clean - Goo in a pot to get rid of all the nasty things lurking between your alt button and your Z key. Apparently there is more bacteria contained within the un-chartered depths of the gaps between your keys than under a public toilet seat. The only difference is the absence of smell to alert you....euuwwwwww!!
Carrera not Scaletrix - I had to buy a slot car set recently, not for a child but for a client. Random I know and I was informed by a secret geek agent that anybody who knows anything about slot cars doesn't buy scaletrix but Carrera. Carrera uses...wait for it.......German engineering which makes for a more reliable slot car that doesn't come off the track as easily. Who knew?
Rumour Mill - (As quoted from Stuff Magazine) "Netbooks running Google's Chrome OS will launch this month ◆ The sequel to Fusion Garage's doomed JooJoo tablet is incoming, with Android replacing its shonky proprietary OS ◆ Toshiba is prepping a Regza-branded TV phone with a 4in screen ◆ Google's Nexus Two will launch at the same time as Android 3.0. ◆ The next iPhone will have the SIM card built in."