So, how does it all work and what’s its appeal?
Getting started:
MoreFrom.me says it is easy and takes “two minutes” to get started. Now “two minutes” can sometimes be seen as a figure of speech and not an actual literal timescale. Like when you’re picking up that friend who's never quite ready and they say, “I’ll only be two minutes”, when you know it’s really going to be a lot longer as they frantically apply make-up/hunt for their keys/try to get out of bed.....
However, I found up setting up on MoreFrom.me and customising my layout surprisingly simple, and it does actually take only two minutes. Less in fact, if you don’t spend 30 seconds deliberating which picture of yourself looks best to use.
This is great for those of us with short attention spans, as we can quickly get started with MoreFrom.me without having to go through tiresome box ticking and the nagging thought, “is this all going to be worth it?”.
What’s in store?:
MoreFrom.me allows you to put your brand or your name on the award-winning MoreComputers site. You gain credit from every sale you make which you can then use to get money off when buying from their huge array of technology goods.
So, you’ve got your store, now what? First thing is, they’re not lying when they say there are tens of thousands of products. Thankfully, I found navigating my way through this myriad of technology goods simple as I could browse by category, price and manufacturer.
Then it’s up to you to recommend products and have a look around at what other people have picked out as key buys. The fact that you can see from users themselves what they think of products is crucial, as internet shopping has always seen consumers take note of testimonies.
Also, once you’re all set up, you can check out the hints and tips site for some excellent advice on how to get the best out of Morefrom.me on http://morefrom-me.blogspot.com.
Who’s really going to be into this?:
Because MoreFrom.me has so many product ranges there is a lot to attract anyone who uses technology goods, but there are some specific user markets for whom the service could be particularly useful.
An example of this is photographers. Now I know photographers, and if you get four of them in a room together they will talk ad nauseum about new products, accessories, ISOs, SLRs and other more technical subjects.
MoreFrom.me has hundreds of cameras and gadgets for photographers, but offering a platform for your own recommendations on products gives people the chance to become trusted sellers.
Schools and charities can also benefit from this as they gain a commission for every product sold which they can use themselves to buy IT equipment from MoreFrom.me.
My verdict:
Whilst Social Shopping is not necessarily a new thing, there’s nothing out there like the concept MoreFrom.me have. Gaining credit on products you sell is innovative and very appealing. The service has the potential to move into other marketplaces too, and I’m pretty sure there’s more to come from Morefrom.me in the future.
Overall, I have to say I’m mightily impressed! If you'd like to buy from TheLadyTron, click here!
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