I'd like to introduce you to Clare MacKenzie who's just started working with us. We've given Clare the very grand title of 'Technology Analyst' which basically means she'll be taking an in-depth look at the tech products we sell. Clare or 'Ladytron' as she's already been nicknamed is a true 'girl geek' in every sense, she lives and breathes technology products and gadgets, and is not afraid speak out when a product fails to deliver.
We've asked Clare to analyse all the tech product ranges we sell, here at the MoreFrom Group. She'll be looking at what's liked and what's hated, what sells and what doesn't - and asking our customers what they think of our product ranges. She's also keen to find out what new stuff you'd like to see us offering. With over 70,000 products and more than 300 brands to go at it's no small task - but Clare is up for the challenge.
She will need your help though, feel free to get in touch; email ladytron@morecomputers.com or follow Clare on Twitter @TheLadytron
She will need your help though, feel free to get in touch; email ladytron@morecomputers.com or follow Clare on Twitter @TheLadytron
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